Monday, June 27, 2011

40 - Beach

Beach Baby!

We spent this week at the beach and loved it!!

We spent Friday and Saturday with Christina and Sands in Dauphin Island. Rebecca loves her Aunt Peaches!

We had the best time swimming in the bay! Our friends from Minnesota, Kristin, Ben, Brianne, Jarred and Little Owen flew into New Orleans and drove over to meet us on Saturday. Christina and Sands are the best hosts! We had an authentic crawfish boil and played in the bay all day. Of course I hardly got any pictures.

Sands and Rebecca.

And here is Rebecca in the baby pool. She loved it!

On Sunday we took the ferry to Ft. Morgan then drove on to Destin.

We spent the next 4 days on the beach. It was awesome! The weather was perfect and the gulf is so pretty.

Here we are getting up in the morning. Things were a little crazy with a 9 month old and a two year old but it was so great to spend time with old friends.

This was Owen and Rebecca’s first trip to the beach.

Besides going to Seaside one day for lunch (Great Southern- Delicious!) we seriously spent all day everyday on the beach. We put the babies to bed and grilled out every night. So much fun! Ben played his guitar for us and although I didn’t get to hear it live because I just could not last Matt and Ben recorded an original Humpty Dance/Magic Carpet Ride mash up. Maybe I can get Matt to figure out how to put it on this blog. :)

Loved it!

39 - Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day, Matt! We love you to the max!!

This week we celebrated Father's Day with a hand-made card from daycare and a new seersucker suit. The card has a picture of Rebecca in it with graham crackers in each hand. Apparently she is now eating table foods. That's cool, daycare.

Rebecca also had her 9 month check up this week. She is in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. The doctor said she is doing great but still has fluid in her ears. He prescribed a stronger antibiotic to try to clear them up. We have an appointment on Tuesday to get them checked again and if they don’t look any better we’ll have to see an ENT.

Monday, June 13, 2011

38- Cousins

Rebecca is 38 Weeks!

She's doing great! After my last post she slept all night long and woke up in the morning with no fever. Thank goodness!

We have had a big week! Last weekend we went to Birmingham and spent the night with Andy and Sarah then went to Montgomery to spend the day with Beau and Brittany and their boys. Here is Rebecca with her future husband, Gaines. I think they make a very cute couple.

We went to the pool with the Daniels and Rebecca loved it.

On Thursday Mandy and her kids, Camden and Alison, stopped to stay with us on their way to NC. It was great to see them! Here we are at Mo's. We think Rebecca had her first taste of solid food after she snatched a bite of Alison's Macaroni and Cheese. :)

This happy girl can now pull herself up.

This week she has also started saying ma ma ma ma ma.

And here we are at Wal-Mart. Rebecca's first trip and first time out of her carrier. Awesome!

Friday, June 3, 2011

37- Sick

Rebecca at 37 weeks. Cutest baby ever!!

Rebecca has her first fever and I hate it! I guess we are pretty lucky to have made it to 8 months without one and it is already lower today but I wish she was feeling better! She tries to smile and be cute but she is just so pitiful. All she wants to to do is sleep or be held. Poor little thing!

Here are some pictures of when she was well.

Playing in her exersaucer- red, yellow, and blue-oooo!

Rebecca in the bath! Yes, another picture of Rebecca in the bath, I can't get enough of it!

Walking to school

Matt and Rebecca- blue eyes!

36- Memorial Day

Rebecca is 36 weeks!

We had a big Memorial Day weekend! Matt flew to Kitty Hawk on Thursday for Jamie Flippan's wedding. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Flippan! We are so happy for y'all!

On Saturday Rebecca and I flew to Raleigh to meet Matt. Here is Rebecca at the airport. I was worried about flying all by myself with a baby but Rebecca did great! Thankfully we sat by baby lovers on both flights. I think Rebecca is starting to realize she's so cute. She loved smiling at everyone around us. She was cute and played on the first flight and slept for the second flight. She stretched out across my lap and the guy sitting next to us. He said he had grand babies of his own and really didn't mind. :)

When we got to Raleigh we got to see our friend Mat Windsor (he's leaving for MBA school in Australia next week- exciting!) and stay with our friends, the Baxters. On Sunday we stayed with our friends, the Baucoms and Matt's parents and sister, Maria, and her boyfriend, Joseph, came down to Raleigh for a cook out. Matt's brother, Ira, and his new girlfriend, Alex, also came over. It was great to see everyone!

Rebecca with Deigo and Gulianna.

On Monday we spent the day shopping- I really spent the whole entire day at the H&M. Here we are at lunch. As usual I really wish I'd gotten more pictures this weekend!

It was a quick trip but so great to see everyone!