Thursday, July 25, 2013


Sweet Laura!

We went for a walk the other day. This pretty much represents every picture I ever take.

Oh, you're trying to get a picture of my sister? Let me just get in there. Photo bomber.

Rebecca then handed me this and told me I could have the rest. She's so generous.

Laura learned to turn the water on in the sink. So proud of herself! I guess she's done keeping me company in there while I get ready. She's also getting way too big for her baby bathe tub but it's so nice to be able to bath her in the sink in the kitchen right after we eat while Rebecca plays in the den. I'm not giving it up. She moved up to the next classroom at school last week! She is doing great- I think she's enjoying all of the activity in there. She seems so big to me! She is pulling up on furniture and cruising around. She is into everything and already wants to do whatever her sister is doing. Her emotions seem more intense to me than Rebecca's as a baby. I don't know if it's because Rebecca had my undivided attention or is just more laid back. Probably a combination of the two but Laura will laugh and laugh when she is happy and scream and scream when she is mad. I have a feeling the terrible twos are going to be super fun with this one.

Last weekend we met Matt's family for a picnic on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was so much fun! Mandy and her kids are visiting and we were so excited to see them!

Rebecca and Camden. I love this picture. The way they are sitting- they just look like little mini adults to me.

And Rebecca and Alison- so sweet!

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