Monday, December 6, 2010

11 Weeks

Rebecca is 11 weeks old today!

She is such a cutie! She loves to smile and I can't get enough of it!

This week I have taken no pictures at all, literally zero. It's terrible, I'll definitely have to do better next week!

We have really had a quiet week. Just cleaning up after Thanksgiving, hanging out, Matt's been studying for finals and we've been getting ready for our big trip next week. We have plans to visit family and friends in North Carolina and Virginia from December 10 - 28th. I can't wait!!

I do have some pictures I've taken with my iphone. I try to email a picture or video to my mom and mother-in-law everyday. I love my phone. I think it's awesome to have so many pictures of Rebecca.



Cute- Matt and I tell Rebecca how cute she is about 500 times a day. She is adorable!