Thursday, April 26, 2012

Grandma and Pops

The weekend before last was Granny Foda'd 90th birthday party. I wish I'd gotten a picture of her- she looks great! We enjoyed super with quite a group in Winston. Foda's Neices sang for her and Rebecca danced the entire time. She is such a ham!
That weekend Rebecca and I went to church at the Wait Chapel at Wake Forest to hear our friend Laura preach. She did a great job!
Last week my parents came to visit and we loved having them!!
They could not get enough of Rebecca and she could not get enough of them. She has continued to ask for them as soon as she wakes up. Luckily we'll see them again in May. Can't wait!
On Saturday we made the trip to Blacksburg to visit with my Granny and Aunt Anne and Uncle John. It was a quick trip but so great to see everyone. Don't worry, Rebecca wore her tutu the entire day- including for lunch at Panera Bread and the two hour car ride to Blacksburg. :)
Here she is on the way home. Such a cutie!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy Easter!

We spent the weekend in Elkin- it was great!

Rebecca had a big time at the park yesterday.

And a big trip to Wal-Mart. I love this picture- everyone is so serious.

I'm looking more and more pregnant these days. Everything is still going well. I feel the baby kick all the time. I have a feeling she is going to be a wild one. Every time I go for an ultra sound or check up where the nurses have such a hard time getting what they need because the baby does not stay still. Who knows, though. I thought Rebecca was going to be a quite, serious child and she is not at all. She is a little ham and not shy at all. Just like her daddy.

Just look at this look.

And this one. Best chip ever!!