Sunday, June 23, 2013


Baby Laura!

First family camp out! My excitement level going into this weekend was zero but it turned out to be so much fun!

Raven knob. This is the boy scout camp where Matt worked many, many summers. I love this place. It looks the way Boy Scout camp is supposed to look- like it hasn't changed in 50 years.

Matt keeps up with a bunch of the guys he worked with and they all get together every year for a beach trip in the spring and frisbee golf in the fall. This year they also decided to have a family camp out.

Activities included a creek stomp, swimming, paddle boarding, roasting hot dogs and for real camping in tents.

So fun! I hope we do it every year.

Other big events this week include Laura pulling herself up to play!

Mama unwittingly pulling her shower cap half way down her forehead and experiencing this spray tan fail

And our friend Abbey's 3rd birthday party!

Rebecca is as cute as ever! Here she is showing off all the awesome ponytails she got at school one day this week. We stopped at a travel center to use the restroom on the way up to camp and had to walk through an arcade to get to the bathrooms. We turned the corner and Rebecca literally gasped and said, "This is nice mama!" We're driving back now (9:35 on Sunday) and Rebecca is refusing to fall asleep and keeps asking, "How was your day, guys?" Little Matt Rogers.

Laura and granny! We went from camp to Blacksburg to spend the day with my mom and granny. It was so great to see them! My mom is visiting with my granny for a few weeks and we're going up again next weekend. We can't wait!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day

Rebecca! Here she is at Dewey's Bakery. Loved it!

Last weekend Matt watched the girls while I got a pedicure. So nice!! Rebecca got to pick out whatever she wanted at Trader Joe's for a picnic.

On Sunday Maria, Riley, Oma and Granny Marie came over for super. Sweet cousins!

Laura has become such a good eater. The other day when I picked her up from school her teacher said she'd eaten six chicken nuggets that day. Normal.

And here is a picture Christina sent me that I just love so much- Baby Jim in a bag. Hilarious!

Also funny to me, Laura's new look.

And Rebecca talking on her cell phone in the car with stickers on her leg. I mean, where else would you put stickers?

We had a great Father's Day weekend! On Saturday we had a picnic at our new favorite park. Of course I didn't get any pictures but Matt and I went out to dinner with his boss and his wife. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time. I guess there was a professional bike race in Winston this weekend. After dinner we got to see the last few laps of the armature race downtown and it was cool. They go so fast! On Sunday we grilled out with our friends, the Coxes, and Oma and Granny Foda came down for a quick visit. 

Rebecca has started calling Laura cutie pie all the time and it is adorable! Sweet, sweet girls!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Volker Bach

Laura! So cute! I love her snaggle tooth! It just makes everything that much cuter. The other day I went to pick her up from school and oh my gosh it was like she had received the holy spirit- she was so excited to see me she threw her head back and her arms in the air and smiled her snaggle tooth smile. Adorable!

Matt and Rebecca have been going for a walk after dinner. Rebecca gets a popsicle and Matt gets a beer. I think it's the highlight of both of their days.

Covering her table with shaving cream- so fun! Thank you pinterest! She is so cute! Matt and I will say I love you the max and she must think we're saying I love you to the map because she has started saying I love you to the Dora or I love you to the Boots. :)

Visitors! Our German friend Volker Bach and his new girlfriend Nina (who we love!) came to visit us this weekend. So much fun!! On Friday we went to the dash game (fireworks friday) and of coarse I didn't get any pictures.

On Saturday I kept Laura and everyone else went to the lake with reality television show super star Jarrett Joyce. They had a great time!

Rebecca riding the surf board! Little Matt Rogers.

Group hug!