Friday, September 27, 2013

Merrimont Picnic

Laura! So sweet!! She is really attached to her lovey.

Becca Boo! Rebecca had her three year old check up this week and she is doing great! She's 25% for height and 40% for weight. We were riding home the other day and Rebecca said, "Mama, I am going to ride a unicorn and it is going to be lovely and fantastic!" So cute to me!

Rebecca also started dance this week! These three girls are also in her class at school. So fun! Rebecca loved it.

Sunday was the annual neighborhood picnic. So nice to see everyone and there was a firetruck!

In other news we finished out living room make over! I love how everything turned out.

Also the weather has been gorgeous! We love fall!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happy Birthday Rebecca

Rebecca! This sweet girl turned three on Friday.

Here we are at the doctor. Laura had a fever and I took Rebecca with us because she had a cough. Rebecca was fine but poor Laura had an ear infection. This is only her second I think and I'm so glad it doesn't seem to be bothering her too bad. While we were in the waiting room Rebecca saw the sign for the bathroom that had a stick figure of a man, a women and a person in a wheelchair on it. She said, "That is for boys and for girls". I said, "That's right". Then she said, "And...Granny Fodies!" So cute!

Rebecca and Harper!

Katie! I got to bring cupcakes to school for snack for Rebecca's birthday. Now everyone in her class is three.

Today was Rebecca's Purple Party!

So fun!! So many family and friends! We were especially glad to have Granny and Aunt Anne and Uncle John make the trip from Blacksburg for the party.

Bounce house! It was overcast but we were so thankful it didn't rain!

Rebecca and Katie and Tory! Her favorite friends from school.

Little Cutie! We had everybody gathered around and Rebecca was about to blow out her candles. Laura stole the show by taking this moment to take her first steps. Stinker.

Most of our friends left after lunch and it started raining so we came inside to open presents. So many presents! Such a great party!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Check Up

Rebecca! I mean, why wouldn't you wear your tiara while you were going for a walk around the block?

Double trouble. These two have really started playing together and it is the sweetest thing ever. Of course there are times when Laura will try to snatch Rebecca's toys or Rebecca will "hug" Laura with all of her might but for the most part they really do play together pretty well. I especially love it when we're riding down the road and I hear them laughing at each other in the back seat.

Peak a boo!

Laura finally had her one year old check up this past week and she is doing great! She's still 80% for height and 50% for weight.

Although you can not tell from this picture we had a fun weekend! I actually got bronchitis last week (ain't nobody got time for that) so tried to just rest as much as I could. Matt went to boy scout camp for frisbee golf on Saturday and the girls and I just played. The park really was fun, Laura just wasn't that impressed with the swings.

I don't take pictures of it but I'll let the girls watch TV quite a bit and recently discovered PBS Kids. It's so awesome! I think I'm done with Disney and Nick Junior. The PBS shows are just so much more educational and there are no terrible commercials.

The other big news of the week is that Rebecca got a bike helmet for riding her tricycle!

Big girl breakfast

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Matt

Laura! Happy girl!

Yesterday was Matt's birthday! He ended up having to work late so we had a make up celebration tonight. Matt said this was the first time since he'd turned 21 he was excited for a birthday. Just because Rebecca was so excited for it. So cute! We'd gotten his a french press and as Rebecca handed him his wrapped gift she said, "We got you a French Roast!" Then when he opened it she said, "You got French toast, you got French toast!"

Saturday night Matt's mom kept both girls for us. Such a treat! We stayed with the Anders in Greensboro and had the best dinner at Fishbones.

We got to visit for little while when we came to get the girls on Sunday. So many fun toys! Laura really enjoyed putting all the dominos back in the tin. She's fine when Matt and I are around but Joan said for church Sunday morning Laura refused to stay in the nursery and got so worked up she had to rock Laura until she fell asleep. Meanwhile Rebecca was totally fine in a new Sunday school class. I think it's just their personalities- Rebecca is totally fine with anything while Laura is not.

Rebecca and Elexa! This weekend we also met the Robinsons at Chick Fil A. So fun! I think we spent a good hour a half there while the girls played.

And had a Merrimont dance party!

Sweet girls

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

Rebecca! Snapping beans for supper tonight.

Matt took the girls to the grocery store so they could get the all the ingredients. And cookies.

I worked and Matt watched the girls all day. They came to visit me and we had a picnic in conference room 3. So fun!

On Friday Matt took Rebecca to the Dash game for Fireworks Friday. It was the first time Rebecca had ever seen fireworks and she was amazed. When they started she held up her hands to try to catch them- precious!

On Saturday we brought the TV outside for college football. For college football!!! So exciting.

Matt Windsor stayed with us and Sunday we had brunch at Breakfast, Of Coarse! The food was great!!

Laura! I think she ate her entire pancake. She makes the best faces!  I think this is just a funny picture but she really does make so many difference faces. She is also into cursing around but still not trying to walk. And she is such a mama's girl! Rebecca would go to anyone as a baby but not Laura. Many times she won't even go to Matt. Diva.

Rebecca' family collage. Made from whatever pictures we had already printed and the side of a diaper box. I think Rebecca is really enjoying her new class. She thinks she's big stuff now that she's upstairs at school. She says that she likes the centers in her classroom, especially home living. There were pictures up the kids had made where the teachers asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up. I saw a fire fighter, a chef, etc. Rebecca said that she wanted to be a big sister when she grows up. Sweet girl. And awesome all her dreams will come true!

Big Sista