Sunday, April 24, 2011

31- Easter

Rebecca at 31 weeks!

It has been a big week- we got some pictures with the real camera!

And Rebecca is starting to get her first tooth! Sands was the first one to notice it. I think Rebecca must have some kind of high tolerance for pain because it really hasn't seemed to bother her too much.

This weekend we went to Choctaw Bluff for Easter with the Stimpsons.

We had the best time! Christina and I on the front porch of the little house.

While we were there Rebecca went for her first swim. She likes to splash in the bathtub so we thought she would like it and she did!

Here she is afterwards. Such a little cutie! Rebecca was so cute the whole weekend. Ms. Jean was especially impressed with her happy disposition.

Happy Easter!

Riding with Sands (Happy Birthday, Uncle Creamy!!). Here we are on the way to the hunt.

Getting ready. The Stimpson family full contact, all ages easter egg hunt is serous business. I was too busy hunting to get any good pictures and came out with 5 eggs. Not too shabby for a first timer. Afterwards we enjoyed an Easter service in the Chapel and a lunch by the river.

Wrinkly noses- Thanks Christina and Sands for having us!! It was great!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

30- A Day

Rebecca is 30 Weeks!

She is as cute as ever. Her new tricks include eating peas and kind of clapping. As of right now she doesn't love the peas.

Here she is in the Kitchen. This curious girl will not just lay back in her in bouncy seat anymore.

Matt and I had big plans for going on a date on Friday but didn't get to go because we had bad weather again. We actually had to go down to the first floor at work. Fortunately Rebecca was at Calvary for the storms. I'm pretty sure the basement there is way safer than our hallway at home.

On Saturday the weather was beautiful for the spring game. We headed up to campus to tailgate with some friends but came home for the actual game.

Rebecca in her stroller- A Day, Schmay Day. Yet another sign she will be going to Auburn one day.

I love this expression. So curious!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

29- Dadadadada

Rebecca is 29 weeks!

Does it count as her first word if she doesn't know what it means and doesn't stop at just two das? :) Maybe Rebecca hasn't started talking but she has started babbling this week. It is so cute! The ladies at daycare were calling her jabber-jaws today when I went to pick her up.

We have had a fun week!

Our friends Rod and Mary Ann came to stay with us on their way down to Florida. It was great to see them!

I think Rebecca especially loved the extra attention.

Here she is with Rod. This book is her current favorite, 5 Little Ducks.

The weather was beautiful this weekend!! I know Rebecca is not smiling in this picture but it is so cute to me. We played outside on Saturday and Matt and I meet some friends at Innis Free on Saturday night and got to sit outside. It was our first time leaving Rebecca with a babysitter and she did great!

Matt and Rebecca in the hallway last night. Tuscaloosa was under a tornado watch and it's the only place in our house with no windows so we fed Rebecca in here in her bumbo and just hung out for a little while until the storm passed.

Such a cutie!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

28- Sitting up

Rebecca is 28 weeks!

She is such a big girl! She is totally sitting up on her own now. The daycare ladies were telling me the other day that Rebecca won the best baby of the day award (of coarse she did!) because she could just sit and play with a basket of toys all by herself. She really is an independent little one. They said if the other babies would cry she would sit there with her little hands on her thighs and look at them like, "why are you fussing?" :)

Here she is after eating oatmeal- not impressed. Really, I just caught her mid-blink. The last few days she seems like she is starting to really enjoy eating. She'll grab the spoon with her hand as I feed her so she can feed herself. Ms. Independent.

Somehow I forgot to mention Rebecca's six month check up in my last post. She is doing great! 16 pounds, some ounces. She is in the 80 perceptible for height and 65th percentile for weight. I'm so glad we took her in because she had a minor ear infection. You would never have known it from the way she was acting. We've been giving her antibiotic and she seems to be on the mend.

Here we are going for a walk. This weekend Matt went to North Carolina for a boy scout reunion beach trip so I had Rebecca all by myself. It was a little traumatic Thursday and Friday mornings when Rebecca spit up before school. The second time ever in her life. It think she was just coughing so hard she spit up. Poor little thing! I really enjoyed the rest of the weekend with her! Such a little cutie!!

And finally! Enough hair for a hair bow! I love it!