Friday, October 7, 2016

Combs Racing South


We had such a big weekend!

We met the Robinsons at the fair!

There were rides

And butterflies (I'm pretty sure Laura wore her dress backwards all day)

And magic!

We celebrated Aunt Pearl's 100th birthday! When I told the girls what we were going to be doing Laura said, "100?! So, is she a giant?!"

And we went to Hickory to watch our friend Cody race!

I don't know how they could do it without being able to hear but the girls had a great time playing with their friends.

Victory circle!! Cody got third place!

Birthday book! You can make a donation to the library at Rebecca's school during your birthday month and they'll put a stick with your name and the year in the front of a book. Last week Rebecca checked out one of Ariel's! On Monday she came home and  said, "Thursday is a special day at school, picture day, and you can wear your normal clothes or dress up. So, I want to be Elsa!" I explained that by dress up I think her teacher meant wear church clothes. :) 

We are loving this Fall weather!
