Thursday, August 30, 2012

Two Week Check Up

Laura! This little cutie had her two week check up yesterday and she did great! She's 9lb 4.5oz (82%) and 21.5in (90%). Also, Laura's raisin (umbilical cord stump) fell off yesterday so we can start real baths! I'm excited, I think she's starting to smell a little milky. :)
First Stroll. Laura is such a sweetie! She's doing pretty good with her eat/awake/sleep routine and still loves to be held all the time. She might got 4 hours between a feeding at night. I'm hoping for longer stretches soon. But really I can't complain, she is getting better about wanting to sleep after her nighttime feedings instead of wanting to stay up all night long. She is a noisy baby. She just grunts all the time- while she's sleeping and while she's awake. She is also a spiter. Not a projectile vomiter, thankfully. I just have to get used to it since Rebecca never spit up. We go through several outfits each day.
Rebecca is doing great! She is as sweet as ever and really loves her baby sister.
Here she is "napping" outside.
She and Matt went to sciworks over the weekend. So fun!
They also went to visit Maria, Joseph and their new baby girl. That's right, Riley Rae is here!! She was born August 20th at 6:54pm, 5lbs 12oz and 19 inches long. We are so excited for another baby!
Me and my girls.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

10 days old

Laura is 10 days old today! I can't believe she has only been here 10 days. The time has flown by but she seems like such a big baby. We are already working on getting her into an eat/awake/sleep routine. It was harder with Rebecca because all she wanted to do was sleep all the time. She was one week early- what a difference that one week makes! Laura is also a much more efficient nurser and I think it's that extra week.
Each day that goes by she is more calm and less fussy. I know she is 10 days old but I swear she can smile at me- even when she's awake.
Rebecca! She and Matt have become best friends. She has been pretty interested in Baby Laura. She wants to give her hugs and kisses when she wakes up and when she gets home from school. But after about a minute she is ready for me to put the baby in her swing so we can play. I have been so lucky to have Rebecca at school during the day!! I have been able to get naps (many naps) during the day and I am feeling really good. I get nothing done during the day but I don't care. I know I said this last week but Matt really has been so awesome about taking care of all the chores and entertaining Rebecca.
This weekend Matt's parents and grannies came over for a visit. Matt grilled out and Ms. Joan brought the sides. It was a really nice time! The first of many visits, I hope.
Rebecca at Marty's pool party this weekend. So cute!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


She's here! We are so in love with our new baby girl!
She came on Sunday...the day I wrote my last blog post and the day after my mom left. Stinker. We went to the park and to Bob's Big Gas Subs and Pub for supper. I thought I was having contractions but they were really mild and really spread out. I didn't think anything of it because I'd heard of people having contractions in the evenings for several evenings before their babies are born. I started feeling them more as I was putting Rebecca to be at 8 and started timing them at 8:30. We called Matt's mom to stay with Rebecca and called our friends Micheal and Marty to come over while Mrs. Joan came down from Elkin. The contractions were really strong and at 9:15 my water broke. Thankfully that was right when Micheal and Marty were getting here. We rushed to the hospital and I probably got to my room at 9:30. I was having painful contractions and feeling pressure but I didn't really know if that was normal or not because with Rebecca my water broke before I had any contractions and once I was got to the hospital and got an epidural pretty early on. Once the nurse checked me I was shocked to hear I was at 10 cm and -2 station. She got on the phone and people started rushing in. I pushed three times and Laura was here. We could not believe it happened so fast. The doctor called it a precipitous birth. Precipitous, indeed.
We spent Sunday and Monday night in the hospital and got to come home Tuesday.
When Rebecca came in to meet her baby sister I think she was more interested in my phone :)
She did warm up to her and has been really sweet so far. She's been going to daycare and we've really tried to focus on Rebecca in the the evenings.
Laura is so sweet! All Rebecca wanted to do as a newborn was sleep and all Laura wants to do is be held. What? I can't just plunk you down in your crib whenever we get done nursing at night? We'll see how I do with real baby this time. Matt has been so great about taking care of Rebecca and doing all the chores. I have been napping as much as possible and I feel really good so far. I'm so excited for our family of four!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Laura Lou, Where Are You?

We're still here, no new baby. My due date is not until the 14th but I got so worked up after my doctor's appointment last Friday (3 cm dilated, 75% effaced, 0 station), I thought Laura was for sure coming that weekend. My mom thought so too and came to stay the week with us. We had so much fun!
Rebecca loved all the time she got to spend with her Grandma.
I am so pregnant. And yes, those really cute shoes are Crocs. I wear them everyday, it's like walking on sunshine.
The weekend before last Matt went to the mountains (West Jefferson) for a Farmhouse reunion camp out. Funny I was worried I would have my baby while he was gone. He said he did not sleep good at all. He dreamed that I was having my baby and he was trying to get to the hospital but he had to do any Ernst & Young commercial and couldn't get through it because his fake eyelashes kept falling off. Hilarious. Rebecca and I had our friends Brittney and Elexa over while he was gone. Rebecca and Elexa literally ran around this house for about 3 hours. They are so cute together!!
In other news, we've been able to spend some more time with Matt's sister and family while they are still in NC. Rebecca has had so much fun with her Cousins!
We all went to a Dash game a few weeks ago. Oh, peanuts, don't mind if I do.
Baby Jim! We are still obsessed with this little cutie. Here he is holding his head up at two weeks old. What?! Hercules. We think he is going to be an Olympian.
Rebecca is as cute as ever. She says new words everyday and can "count" to ten. Unprompted, she will come up to me and kiss my belly and say baby. It's really sweet.
The park!