Monday, February 21, 2011

22- Happy Valentine's Day

Rebecca is 5 months!

This weekend she started rolling over onto her stomach to play. Excuse me, what? She has never been a fan of tummy time but all of the sudden she seems to enjoy being on her stomach as most as much as being on her back. She will get tired of it and hasn't figured out rolling back over yet. :)

We have had a big week! Matt is a member of the graduate student parent's association and we were chosen via lottery for free baby sitting this semester. We went to a dinner last Sunday to meet with other parents and for speed dating with the sitters. We haven't tried it out yet, but I'm excited, we met some nice girls.

Monday was Valentine's Day! It seems most people either love Valentine's Day or could really care less. I love it! I just love a day for pink and hearts, etc. Matt got me some baby bites (my favorite!) and I got him some premium beers. Because nothing says I love you like premium beers.

Good morning! Mary Martha came for a visit. She was only here for a night but we loved having her!

The weather was beautiful again this weekend! Our friends Kelsey and Clark came over on Saturday and we grilled out. Hi Mr. Clark!

And here is Rebecca on our walk yesterday. Such a cutie!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

21- Roll Over

Rebbeca will be 21 weeks tomorrow!

We have had a good week and a great weekend. Yesterday we went to the Alabama basketball game with some friends.

I wasn't sure what Rebecca would think of all the loud noise but she did great!

And today is beautiful, 67 degrees! We went for a walk this morning. So cute!

Here is one close up. Please excuse the runny nose. That just started yesterday and I'm really hoping it doesn't turn into anything more.

And, most exciting of all, Rebecca just rolled over! I set her down on her back and she rolled onto her stomach and pulled her head up all by herself. Such a big girl!

Monday, February 7, 2011

20- The Bluff

Rebecca is 20 weeks old today!

We have had a big week.

Rebecca laughed! At least we think she did when Matt was blowing on her stomach after her bath. I think I've also heard her one time since then. When I was changing her diaper I got a distinct Ha...Ha...Ha!

This weekend we went to the Bluff to visit Christina and Sands.

It was great! Very relaxing, we played games, did some puzzles, played with Rebecca, ate some great meals.

Such a pretty place!

When we got back from the Bluff we watched the game with friends from Matt's program.

Rebecca's first super bowl. This is her second outfit of the night. She blows out her diapers and when she does we like to call it a wardrobe malfunction.

So cute! I hate I didn't take any pictures with a real camera again this week. Here we were trying to compare Rebecca to the Gerber baby on the tag and even in this blurry picture you can tell she is way cuter! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

19- Four month check up

Rebecca is 19 weeks old!

She is doing great! She has really started sleeping this week and it has been great!!

Rebecca had her 4 month check up on Thursday and she's doing fine. She is in the 80th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height. She had her first cold last week and we were relieved to find out it hadn't turned into anything more serious.

The weather this weekend was wonderful! Here we are at Innis Free on Saturday. Matt got to play golf Saturday morning and we grilled out with some friends that night.

Our little supermodel.