Monday, November 29, 2010

10 Weeks

Rebecca is 10 weeks old today!

We had a great week! My mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law all came for Thanksgiving.

Rebecca and Uncle Sands

Peaches and Rebecca- The weather on Thursday was great!

We played cornhole in the front yard.

Our friends, Kelsey and Clark, joined us for Thanksgiving dinner.

Friday was the Iron Bowl- War Eagle!! I went to Auburn for undergrad and Alabama for grad school. This is the one day of the year I just can't cheer for Alabama.

Matt and Sands went to the game and the rest of us stayed here to watch it.

This picture is so funny to me! Rebecca showing off her school spirit.

We rest of the weekend was spent eating great meals, playing fun games and of coarse playing with Miss Rebecca.

Here she is showing off the hat Grandma and Pops brought for her. Adorable!

Monday, November 22, 2010

9 Weeks

Rebecca is 9 weeks old today!

Somehow not all the pictures I take of Rebecca really look like her. I know this is not the best picture but to me this is exactly what she looks like.

We had another big week including Rebecca's first tailgate.

Here we are beside "the grotto", an apartment our friends rent out for games. Rebecca, Matt and I tailgated here for a while then took Rebecca out to the quad before the Thursday night Georgia State Game. Rebecca and I headed home and Matt went to the game with his friend and only classmate in the PhD program, George.

Matt and George- nice sweatband!

Rebecca had her two month doctor's appointment. She did great! She is up to 11 pounds 13 ounces. She's in the 90th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. She was a little out of sorts after the five immunization shots but was back to her old self the next day.

Rebecca usually only sleeps in her crib but here she is after a nap in the big bed (excited to be waking up!). I'll put her in there for a nap with me every now and then if she isn't felling well or is super sleepy.

Matt and I attempted a night out. Our friend Kesley babysat Rebecca and we had big plans for dinner and a play but I couldn't last. Dinner was great but I was so sleepy we decided to come home early. I went to sleep at 7:00 and it was luscious.

Rebecca has cradle cap. Here she is showing off her crazy hair after we treated her scalp with baby oil. What a cutie!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Two Months

Rebecca is two months old today!

She is so cute! I wish we had taken more pictures this week!!

Exciting happenings include, a visit from Mat Winsor for the weekend.

Having friends over before the Mississippi State game. Roll Tide!

Going to Mo's! I got to see some friends from high school, Sarah, Colin, Steven. We took Rebecca and she did great. It is so loud in there and she just slept the whole time. We actually went the night before as well to have dinner with some friends from Matt's program. The baby books talk about establishing a nighttime routine...ours might just have to be going to mo's. :)

Rebecca is such a good baby. She is so content, she really doesn't fuss much at all. I do wish she would sleep longer. The 5 hours from a few weeks ago was a fluke. She'll usually go 3.5 or 4.5 hours for her long stretch at night. I'm really hoping she'll start sleeping more over the next two weeks. We'll swaddler her for bed. Here I had taken it off when she was waking up so she could stretch it out.


Monday, November 8, 2010

7 Weeks

Rebecca is 7 weeks old today!

We've had another good week!

Our friend, Chrissie, came to visit and we loved having her!

As usual, we watched lots of football this weekend...

Rebecca cheering for NC State. I think she has her wolfies up!

Matt's new hold.

Rebecca is getting so big! (And I love this face!!) On Wednesday we took her to the lactation consultant's office to be officially weighed. She was 10 pounds, 8 ounces and I think she's grown since then!


Monday, November 1, 2010

6 Weeks

Rebecca is six weeks old today!

I can't believe it! These six weeks have flown by. I am so glad I'm not going back to work today. I am, however, still looking for a job. We have daycare lined up for January so I'm hoping to find something by then.

Anyways, this weeks was Halloween!

Rebecca was a princess...

AND a pea! Her pea suit was too warm for this Alabama weather but we put it on for a few minutes to get a picture. So cute!!

We had over 100 tick or treaters. It was crazy! Our neighbors had a little get together before hand. It was great to get to meet some more of them and show off Princess Rebecca. It was really her first time to be around so many people and she did great. Lots of cooing then sleeping.

Tummy time! Rebecca does not love this, I think her record is about 6 minutes. But she's getting better, she can lift her head up and turn it from one side to the other. So advanced! :) This week she also started smiling back at us when we smile at her. We can't get enough of it!

Speaking of records, last night she slept from 11:00 to 4:00! Five hours!! It was awesome! It probably helps that she's starting to get some meat on her bones.

Rebecca at 5 weeks

Rebecca at 6 weeks- They grow up so fast!