Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kure Beach


Kure Beach!!

We went to the beach for Memorial Day to visit with our friends, Shawn and Kelli. So much fun!! I know Laura is still really little but I feel like it was the first time in a long time I'd been the beach and didn't have a tiny baby with me. It was great! I thought Laura would be a diva about getting dirty touching the sand but she didn't seem to mind it at all.

Dance Party!

Sweet girls! Miracle of miracles, Laura even got a nap on the beach on Sunday!

Because...vacation. We told the girls the could each pick out one thing at the convenience store (anything they wanted in the whole store!) for breakfast. So exciting!!

And to prove I was actually and Laura!

There was also a swimming pool! It took Laura a while to warm up to the water but she was jumping off the side of the pool to me by the end of the weekend. Rebecca is still wearing her puddle jumper. She's had swimming lessons at the Y this year but she still has a long ways to go. I am really hoping to get her some good lessons this summer...

And how can I put up a blog post without pictures from the park? There was one across the street from Shawn and Kelli's house! I didn't get any good pictures but we also stopped in Leland on the way back to visit the Maurers. So good to see them!


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dance Recital


Today was Rebecca's first dance recital! It was great!! Here she is with her friend, Eleni.

I am so glad we ended up at Academy of Dance Arts! Everything was so professionally done. They have been in Winston since the 1950s and you can tell.

Oma, Granny Marie, Maria, Joseph and Riley came for the show. Afterwards, everyone came back to our house for pizza and popsicles! Rebecca is so lucky to have some many people who care about her so close by.

Speaking of lucky, I'm pretty sure Rebecca has the best daddy in the world. On Friday night Matt and Rebecca camped out in the back yard!

I love this picture so much. Before the camp out Matt and Rebecca went to a Dash game where they ran into Rebecca's friend Bella. They didn't get home until 10 but when they got in tent Rebecca was so excited she did not want to sleep. She just kept saying, "Let's tell stories!"

We have been going on lots of walks lately. I'm not sure what's going on with all of Laura's layers. That girls loves a good coat.

Picnic at the princess park! On the way there Laura would stick out her tounge to blow rasberries then crack herself up. So funny!

Rebecca is so funny, too, just because she's at the age where everything she says is so cute. They other day she had been crying and she said, "Mama, I got a drip on my dress". I told her it was a tear and she said, "No, when I am crying I have drips in my eyes." I was looking for a bottle of water the other day and she said, "It's right there, behind your lunch purse."


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day


We had a good week! Matt came home early on Thursday so we ended up at First Street while Rebecca was at ballet. It was so nice out! This last minute dinner turned out to be so much fun!

On Saturday I took Rebecca and Elexa to Chick fil a for lunch then Elexa came over to play all afternoon. It was the first time Rebecca had a friend over without their mom and the girls did great! Subtraction by addition.

While we were at lunch Matt and Laura had a picnic outside. Laura is so cute! I can picture her bringing a bowl of fruit into my room this morning- so excited and so proud of herself. I had the best Mother's Day!! Matt and I went out to dinner last night then this morning I got to sleep in while he and girls made a breakfast feast. They woke me up by carrying breakfast into my room and singing happy mother's day to you to the tune of happy birthday. I loved it!!

We picked up K&W for lunch after church went to Yadkinville to visit with Matt's mama, Granny Marie, Granny Foda and Cousin Riley.

TCB! We missed Maria but loved seeing this little cutie!


Monday, May 5, 2014


Laura! Laura and I had a great weekend! Matt went to the Topsail for a boy scout reunion and Rebecca went to Texas with her Oma. Big weekend!

Before they left we had Maria and Riley over for super. Best bath ever!

Speaking of cousins, here's a picture of Jim after he stole all the fruit cups from the pantry. Such a cutie!

Laura does so good when she has you all to herself. Here she is running around outside in her raincoat. It was not raining.

There was some of this

A little of this

But mostly just this- total cuteness!

Matt got to fly to the beach!

And got back before Laura and I even got home from church. Ariel came over and we went to the Renyolda House and 6th and Vine.

Rebecca gets back tomorrow- we can not wait!!!