Thursday, March 30, 2017

Buckaroo of the Week

Laura Lou!

Here she is with her class on St. Patrick's Day!

Soccer! It's been going good but I wonder how long it will last. Currently Rebecca is more interested in talking to her friends and doing random cartwheels then really trying to play.

A few weekends ago I got to go to Memphis to visit Mary Martha! So fun!!

Matt took the girls to Dave Whitfield's retirement party

And the Balcum's spent the night!

This past weekend Laura had her first sleepover! I wish I'd gotten a picture! She spent the night with her friend Edie for her 5th birthday and Elexa spent the night with Rebecca. Crazies!

This week Rebecca was Backroo of the week! She got to make a poster about herself and bring a lego dinosaur she made for show and tell.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Valentine's Day


The girls got new shirts for Valentine's Day!

Rebecca started soccer! Her first game is Saturday.

The Benton's came to visit. Barnes is a genius.

The Robinson girls came over to play. Laura is still into her reindeer costume :)

We met Oma and Granny Foda at the K&W for a feast!

Matt and I got to go to the JDRF gala

Lambie. Laura will say Lambie is in our family. I accidently left my cell phone in her cubby at school one morning and had many pictures of lambie when I came by to pick it up.

Wacky Tacky for Dr. Suess's birthday! Sweet Laura got her foot stuck in the spokes of Matt's bike and sprained her ankle. Thankfully nothing is broken. She's been in a boot for two weeks and it's barely slowed her down at all.

Grandma! We got to go to Blacksburg on Sunday to visit my mom and Granny. We had the best visit! We did also get some normal pictures but I guess Matt hasn't opened his dropbox.
