Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Oma


Happy Birthday Oma!!

We had big plans for celebrating at the hot air balloon festival in Statesville. We picked Joan up at 3, got behind a wreck on 77 then into insane traffic on the only two lane country road that lead to the municipal airport in Statesville. This trip should have taken maybe 1.5 hours. Finally a 7 we called it and pulled over at this golf course to get a few pictures. We ate dinner at the local mexican restaurant and drove home. A birthday we will never forget.

Last weekend we went to the corn maze at the children's home!

It was a gorgeous day

There was more corn

And you could win Maya Angelou's limousine!

Family selfie

Last week Rebecca had to get two cavities filled. I felt so awful she had cavities but she was a total champ. She has this weird high tolerance for pain. The girls also got flu shots recently and Rebecca didn't cry at all.

Laura got to pick out her own outfit again! Lately she's started calling Rebecca Sis or Bec. It's very cute. She's also started referring to her belly as he, (My belly, he's thirsty!) like she's Spanish.

One with nature

This weekend was the NC State game! Beautiful weather and State finally won in Winston.

Matt bought 50 tickets (that came with 10 parking passes- he bundled and saved) and don't worry, also assigned seats.

Such a fun day!


Monday, October 12, 2015

Corn Maze


The Fosters were in town for the weekend and yesterday we all got to go to the corn maze!

The weather was beautiful and we all had a great day! When we were driving home last night Rebecca said, "I wish this day could start all over."

The kids swam in corn

Jumped on the blob

And rode the train!

So fun to have all the cousins together for the day!

After the corn maze we met Wayne and Betty at the Cracker Barrel for an early birthday dinner. Happy birthday Oma! We love you!!

Riley Rae!

More Birthday Celebration



It was raining so we didn't get to go to the zoo like we had hoped for Rebecca's birthday. We did get to go to the Children's Museum with Bella Blair! Everyone had a great time!!

The girls got to go to the doctor together for their last check up. Rebecca is still 50/50 for weight and height and Laura is still 50/75. Both girls are doing great!

Rebecca made a poster of her family for school all by herself! Laura picked out her own outfit.

Last weekend Rebecca got to spend the night with her Oma and we had friends over for the Alabama game. Roll Tide!

Laura got a few toys out that night before she feel asleep

Last week was my birthday! On Sunday Matt and the girls surprised me with these awesome decorations. He took the girls to Target and told them they could pick out anything they wanted for my birthday. They were so excited to show me everything when I got home. Matt said, "Let's not tell Mom what we got her so she can be surprised when she opens her presents on Wednesday." As soon as he said it Laura said, "We got you a church dress!!" She was just too excited. So cute.

So fun!

It rained again this weekend so we didn't get to go to the Dixie Classic Fair but we did get to have the Robinsons over and made our own caramel apples!

Fashion girls!