Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Bunk Beds


This weekend we went to Caroline's birthday party and met the real Elsa and Anna!

Rebecca totally bought it. Laura was interested for a minute then spent the rest of the night walking around the room announcing to people that she was Cinderella.

This weekend the girls also got bunk beds! They are Matt's from when he was little and Rebecca helped him put the together. There's no such thing as too many accessories.

I need to figure out how to put video on here because Rebecca can sing a scale and it's the cutest thing ever. Mostly because she put her arms up and closes her hands like a conductor at the end. Every time. Here they are the morning she sang for me. Rogers girls are #1

Where's Rebecca?

Sunday, November 9, 2014



Friday night we went to see the Lego movie at the BB&T Ballpark- so cool!

It was really cold but really fun

Last weekend was Halloween!

Two Cinderellas!! I'm pretty proud of us for getting it together and actually carving a jack-o-lantern this year- thanks Matt!

We also had a picnic at Jack Waren park
