Sunday, March 6, 2011

24- On the Move

Rebecca is 24 weeks!

This week was Dr. Suess week at school and each day had a theme. Here is Rebecca on crazy sock day (Fox in Socks).

We tried rice cereal this week! Rebecca pretty much hated it. She would not just spit it out, but arch her back in her seat to try to get away from the spoon. We decided to wait a few more weeks to try it again...

Here she is playing with us in the morning. She is so animated! She is really becoming more like a toddler than a newborn baby. When she plays with her toys her movements are much more deliberate now. We have really seen her little personality come out over the last week or so. It's so much fun!

We've had a good weekend! Just hanging around and enjoying our time together.

Highlights include finishing our taxes.

And meeting friends for lunch today (the historic first day for alcohol sales on Sunday in Tuscaloosa).

And Check this out! I went into our office to talk to Matt for one minute and came back to find Rebecca like this. She is on the move!!

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