Monday, May 20, 2013

9 Months

Baby Laura! She had her 9 month check up on Thursday and she's doing great. She's 50% for weight and 85% for height.

She's enjoyed all the table foods I've given her so far (black beans, sweet potatoes, carrots) and she's getting better and better with her sippy cup.

Fun in the bath! This crazy girl has also started saying mama and dada. She's really just babbling but it's still exciting.

Cute Rebecca! She is really into wearing my flip flops and calls them her flippy floppies. If she ever asked to be picked up while I was holding Laura I'd say I couldn't pick her up while I was holding the baby. The other night Matt held Rebecca and Laura at the same time and Rebecca though it was the greatest thing ever. She said, "My dad is super strong! He can hold two girls!" Several times since then, out of no where, she has told me her daddy is super strong. :)

Rebecca is still into taking pictures with my phone. Artistic.

We had a really fun weekend! Just playing and running errands. The highlight was Ariel's dance recital. It was so much fun!! She invited us for the dress rehearsal which was such a good idea because we got to see all of the costumes and dancing but people were coming and going and taking pictures so we didn't have to stay in our seats and be totally quite the entire time. Rebecca loved it! She was sad that she didn't get to be on stage but really enjoyed watching all the dancers and lasted a lot longer than I thought she would.

Sweet, sweet girls

1 comment:

  1. Adorable, love that last picture. Such a beautiful family.
