Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kure Beach


Kure Beach!!

We went to the beach for Memorial Day to visit with our friends, Shawn and Kelli. So much fun!! I know Laura is still really little but I feel like it was the first time in a long time I'd been the beach and didn't have a tiny baby with me. It was great! I thought Laura would be a diva about getting dirty touching the sand but she didn't seem to mind it at all.

Dance Party!

Sweet girls! Miracle of miracles, Laura even got a nap on the beach on Sunday!

Because...vacation. We told the girls the could each pick out one thing at the convenience store (anything they wanted in the whole store!) for breakfast. So exciting!!

And to prove I was actually and Laura!

There was also a swimming pool! It took Laura a while to warm up to the water but she was jumping off the side of the pool to me by the end of the weekend. Rebecca is still wearing her puddle jumper. She's had swimming lessons at the Y this year but she still has a long ways to go. I am really hoping to get her some good lessons this summer...

And how can I put up a blog post without pictures from the park? There was one across the street from Shawn and Kelli's house! I didn't get any good pictures but we also stopped in Leland on the way back to visit the Maurers. So good to see them!


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