Tuesday, January 11, 2011

16- Grandma and Pops

Rebecca is 16 weeks! Such a cutie!!

After getting a little behind over the holidays, my New Year's resolution is to update my blog once and week. I'm also now giving real titles to each post.

Exciting happenings this week include having our friends Kelsey, Clark and Bradley over for dinner and the Ohio/Arkansas game.

Auburn winning the national championship! War Eagle!! I know Rebecca is not even in Auburn clothes in this picture but it's a cute one.

And most exciting, a visit from Grandma and Pops!

We had a great time! Rebecca loved all the attention.

Family photo. Rebecca loves her playmat! This was a big weekend for her. She started grabbing for toys and pulling them into her mouth. She also started raising her feet up and slamming them down when she's on her back. She'll sometimes end up on her side doing this.

She's also doing better on her tummy. She had a record today of 15 minutes. Speaking of records, I forgot to mention the Christmas miracle in my last posts. Rebecca has started sleeping 7 hours! To me that is sleeping through the night, it's awesome.

Me and my girl.

1 comment:

  1. 7 hrs at night is awesome!! Isn't that just a God-send when you start going those longer stretches at night? She's holding her head up so good when she's on her tummy, she's getting stronger, crawling's just around the corner! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pic of you and her. I've got a special one of me & Emma around that age, I think it'll always be special... :) Looks like you're doing a great job Mommy, keep it up!!
